The members of ST@RT club [Space Travel @ Right Time] meet once every month, mostly third Wednesday. When there is session of telescopic observation or night sky gazing, timing changes. Since the lockdown there were many interactive session on Google meet too. Our club members have become so interactive and inclined into astronomy, that it will give a fruitful outcome in every session. We have people from all walks of life. You can join our club and be part of this astronomical journey from here:
Celebrating first man on moon’s 51st anniversary even in lockdown
Tanmaye Vyas – an interactive session on Apollo missions
Learning about mathematical parameters with ST@RT club. Understanding the concept of eclipse, siderial period and more, and finding value for each planet could never thought be such a fun activity
Learning about mathematical parameters with ST@RT club. Understanding the concept of eclipse, siderial period and more, and finding value for each planet could never thought be such a fun activity
Interactive session, as club members discussed about their favourite topic of astronomy with everyone
Interactive session, as club members discussed about their favourite topic of astronomy with everyone
Explaining where do we hide 0.25 days in 365.25 days every year and then pop it out only on leap year.
First official session of ST@RT. with people from all walks of life
Celebrating Carl Sagan’s Pale Blue Dot session, with moon observation at the end
Celebrating Carl Sagan’s Pale Blue Dot session, watching the Pale blue dot clip, understanding voyager and its marvelous adventures
Introductory session open to all, to enjoy the journey with us, being the part of ST@RT club
Introductory session open to all, to enjoy the journey with us, being the part of ST@RT club
Yuri’s Night Celebration in pandemic – 2021
Celestial Sphere session
Orion Nebula we saw in one of our sky gazing sessions with 8inch Dobsonian Telescope
Club members learning Altitude Azimuth system with hands to locate objects in sky
Dividing Sky chart into 90 parts to understand degree system from horizon to zenith
Learning to use Sky Chart to locate stars
It is so fun when they compete to be the first one to find a star sir asked to.
Watching the Sun Spots and then drawing them
Sky Gazing Sessions
Everyone locating Jupiter, believe me it was too tough to find at the dawn, but we DID.
8 inch Dobsonian Telescope of one of our club members’
One of the club member explaining synodic sidereal period